124.02.2023   12:24

Members of 32 SHGs organised in Shark, Toloikon, Kyzyl-Kyshtak rural districts of Kara-Suu district of Osh oblast held a festive event on the occasion of International Mother Language Day in the Cultural Center of Shark rural district.

The event was attended by self-help groups "Yntymak", "Raduga", "Friendship 1", "Navbahor", "Ak-Niet 1", "Ak-Niet 2", "Yiman Nuru 1", "Yiman Nuru 2", "Shirin". "Kelechek", "Kyrgyzstan" and "Dostuk 2", as well as employees of the organisation Erayim of Osh Oblast.

The event was held under the slogan ‘Language is the national wealth and its priceless treasure’ and the national traditions, customs and national dishes of each ethnicity, the genealogy that has evolved over centuries, and most importantly, the native language of each ethnic group were glorified. The villagers also supported this initiative. Language is closely connected with the history of an ethnic group, ensures its unity and becomes the key to its originality: it forms an inextricable connection between its speakers and serves as the basis for the people. At the same time, poems about interethnic friendship, coexistence and unity were read, and thoughts were expressed about peace in our land and the state's prosperity.






Erlan Davlatov, Osh Oblast